Training Practice

Physician Assistant

This is an intensive two-year full-time postgraduate programme designed to prepare graduates in life or health sciences for work in this innovative health service role. The PA works under supervision one day a week at the surgery. Training follows the Competence and Curriculum Framework for the Physician Assistant prepared by the Department of Health and builds on the success of this role in the United States over the last 40 years.


It is government policy that all doctors undergo an 'apprenticeship' comprising three years of postgraduate training which includes one year's general practice experience in a training practice. We are an accredited training practice. Our doctors undergoing training are called GP Registrars or Pre-registration House Officers/FY2 Doctors. They are qualified doctors who have undergone five years' medical school training. They are fully able to deal with all your problems and are supervised. As part of the GP Registrar's training they will occasionally be videoing consultations with patients; these recordings will then be used as a teaching aid. This is both confidential and optional and you will always be asked for your consent to take part before videoing.


We also have medical students attached to our practice from St George's Medical School and Guy's, Kings and St Thomas' (GKT) College Medical School. They sit in with the doctors in the surgery as a very valuable part of undergraduate training. You will be informed beforehand if there is a medical student present. If you do not wish a student to be present during your consultation, please say so and you will see the doctor alone. Your co-operation in this important area is much appreciated by students and GP Registrars alike.

Dr Opeoluwa Oduyeye Dr Opeoluwa Oduyeye ST3 Trainee Dr Lauren Hamilton Dr Lauren Hamilton ST3 Trainee